Monday, November 29, 2010

wish me luck...

today is craig's first day back to work after a wonderful 2 week paternity leave. it sure has been nice having him home and helping out. today is also my official due date... i can't believe graham has already been with us for over 2 weeks.

carter is already off to school, and craig has left for work. i just finished my first cup of coffee, and need to get mason ready for school. i was trying to think of what i wanted to accomplish today... which store to go to, what to cross off my "to do" list, but instead i think i will drop off mason while in my pj's... come home enjoy more coffee, give hadley some much needed one on one time while graham sleeps, and then just snuggle with graham while hadley naps.

i also want to put away my fall decorations and start getting out all the christmas stuff. let's see how different my plan for the day goes compared to what actually happens.

here are some photos from the long thanksgiving weekend...

heading to mason's thanksgiving feast at school...

craig and the boys going to the KP thanksgiving day game... hadley really wanted to go too, but it was way too cold!!

so many great memories... i just love long weekends, holidays, and having craig home!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hope the day went well! I have to say, I really admire you. You're always so positive and always enjoy your kids- even when chances are you're pretty sleep deprived :)
