Monday, May 31, 2010

it's good to be out...

so, i finally came out on facebook... i wasn't sure if i wanted to or not, but i hate telling people in person, and i always feel awkward when i see someone i know out and about and they are giving me a look and keep asking "what's new with you?"

i also hate the rude comments, and at least people have to think before they type and i don't have to see their facial expressions. i feel so relieved!


  1. Again, I'll say that I think it's awesome! You are the best parents and any little bundle would be lucky to be part of your family! CONGRATS!

  2. I am thrilled that you're having a baby! I wish I could do it with you. I truly believe in this case many people who think it's crazy are really just deepdown jealous. Myself included (minus the part where I think it's crazy).
