Friday, May 14, 2010


blah! that is how i felt all week for no particular reason.

mother's day was fine... nothing special or exciting. craig is great at getting me exactly what i want, but struggles with being romantic and spontaneous. all i said i wanted was to get my car cleaned out and detailed. last saturday it rained all day, so tomorrow it will go in. i don't know what more i wanted, but i think i was hoping for something.... anything. oh, well. after 16 years i should know better.

on monday i was suppose to meet my cousin for dinner. i was looking forward to seeing her and telling her my news. i even booked a sitter so i could leave early, do a little shopping before we met and didn't have to wait for craig to get home. well, i got an email sunday night that she had to cancel. usually not a big deal, but since i was in a mood, i was disappointed. craig offered to meet me for dinner if i wanted to keep the sitter... so that was nice.

on tuesday i ordered a home fetal doppler. i love being pregnant, and really want to enjoy my last pregnancy. since i was having a little pity party, i thought some retail therapy would help.

life is busy with the 3 kids, and most of the time when craig comes to my appointments, he just stays in the waiting room with whoever i have with me, and doesn't get to come in and listen to the heart beat. now we can listen whenever we want... i know it may seem silly to some, but for me, it just feels right. i am confident in this pregnancy, so i did not order it out of fear. i am pretty sure we will not be finding out the sex of this baby ahead of time, so it will allow for some nice bonding time.

by wed. i was still feeling blah... so i asked my friend jen if she wanted to join me for a pedicure, and lunch. it was a cool and yucky day, after my pedicure and a hot bowl of cheddar broccoli soup from panera, i was feeling better.

thursday was going well, but then around 3:00, i got a massive headache, and then my eyes started to hurt. after dinner i just rested while craig got the kids ready for bed. all i wanted to do was crawl in be and watch grey's and private practice. my 2 favorite hours of tv watching all the week.

today i still didn't feel great... i canceled mason speech (which is now twice a week) and stayed in my pj's all morning. i made some brownies, and just hung out with the kids. it was nice. i even got a little nap in before i had to get carter off the bus!! we met craig at chili's for dinner, and then let the kids run off their energy outside.

i am looking forward to the weekend, and i am really ready to put the blah feeling behind me. i'm thinking some nice flowers might help (yes craig, i'm talking to you).


  1. You're so cute. I told Cooper I wanted pearl earrings for Mother's Day, and thankfully he relayed the message.

    How many weeks along are you? The headache and the bad mood made me worry about G.D. but I'm sure it's just been a cruddy week. I hope next week is better for you!

  2. I hear you loud and clear.

  3. Hope you're feeling better soon! I'm excited about the doppler, I'd considered renting one, but decided not to! Hope this week is better!

  4. Sorry you've been feeling awful! Glad Craig heard you :) HUGS - MJ
