Wednesday, April 1, 2009

6 years ago

i remember it like yesterday... 6 years ago, i was up all night. i couldn't sleep because i was so excited, and nervous. my life would never be the same, i was going to become a mom. after 9 months of pregnancy with the final 3 months on bed rest, i was going to cross the finish line and give birth. (i had an induction and had to be at the hospital at 7 am the next morning.)

i love my kids so much. each of them has a very special place in my heart and brought something to my life that was missing. carter made me a mom. before i had him, i was either Shannon or Mrs. Jacobs, and on april 2, 2003 i got a new title, i became mommy. when you have your first child, your world really changes. the days of sleeping in, going out late, and doing whatever you want, when you want are over. my life suddenly had more purpose. craig and i went from a couple to a family.

we also made the decision for me to be a SAHM, and that is was an adjustment too. i loved my job and my co-workers, and although i loved staying home with carter, i did feel isolated at first. i was jealous that craig still got to go out after work, and go out for lunch. it was then i decided that i needed to treat being a mom as my career. we joined play groups, moms club and did gymboree. we went for daily walks, trips to target and even had lunch dates at Friendly's. i made sure i showered and got dressed every morning, i kept up with my hair and pedicures. it was important for me to feel good about myself and not let myself go. i became the CEO of the Jacobs family.

six years later, and i couldn't imagine doing anything else. i love and enjoy my life, my family and my kids.


  1. Aw, I love this post! Happy Birthday to Carter and congratulations to mommy!

  2. You said it perfectly! Happy Birthday Carter!!
