Thursday, April 23, 2009

what's going on?

hadley has had a low grade fever for over a week now... last friday i brought her to the doctor's for them to check her ears, and sure enough she had an infection. we started her on her antibiotic and the low grade fever stayed. she was running anywhere from 100.3 - 100.6. i brought her back to the pedi on tuesday and they said her ears looked good, to just watch her temp. they were not too concerned b/c she is happy, sleeping good, and eating well. i just took her temp. again today and it is 101.1 - i guess i will just keep track of it and bring it up with her doctor at her appointment on tuesday. i have no idea what is going on...

here are some pictures of the little lady... such a good girl!!!! well, except that she now enjoys pooping while in the extersaucer, and that has lead to a lot of laundry due to poop explosions!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a sweetie! I'm sure the fever isn't a huge deal. Maybe the antibiotic really didn't get to the root of the infection in her ears? Griffin has gone that way a few times, too. He seems to be a lot more fevery than Cooper ever was. Good luck!
