Tuesday, January 20, 2009

weight watchers

during my pregnancy i gained 38 lbs. i enjoyed lots of food and never worried. by 2 weeks post partum, i had lost 26 lbs. and then the weight stopped falling off. in the past i would make excuses, 9 months on - 9 months off. this time i just really want to get back into my clothes. so i decided to join WW. i recruited craig with me, which wasn't too hard. he tends to yo-yo with his weight. i am the one who actually goes to the meetings and gets weighed in once a week, and craig follows the program and we weigh him on our home scale.

jan. 10th - joined
jan. 18th - Shannon (-5 lbs), Craig (-4.5 lbs)

hopefully now that i wrote this down, i will be held more accountable. this week i really want to focus on drinking more water and try to get on the treadmill.

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