Thursday, March 17, 2011

spring forward

so, along with the time change, we also had a room change in our house. on sunday, hadley finally decided she wanted to sleep in her big girl bed!!! she was so tired from the baptism, and lack of nap that day that she fell right asleep. go hadley!!!

i hated the thought of kicking her out of her crib, and i am so happy that she made the transition herself.

once she was out i set up the crib for graham so that she wouldn't want to go back and forth. he's not sleeping in there at night yet, but he has napped there. he also loves to watch his mobile go around and around.

by 4 months all the other kids were all set in their rooms, but for whatever reason i am having a hard time moving graham. he's my last baby, and i just love having him in my room.

here's the newest addition to our family... yes, this makes my 7th stroller.

i do love the phil&ted's, but i wanted something smaller that hadley could hop in and out of w/out throwing off the balance. after much research, this is what i settled on.

lastly, here are some pictures of graham doing tummy to tummy time w/ craig... they both love it!!!

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