Friday, January 14, 2011

too many?

i saw this status on facebook and it made me chuckle. but it also got me thinking... how many kids are too many?

To the lady with the 6 screaming kids all under the age of 9 at the store: If you're asking how that box of condoms got in your basket, you're welcome!

i get asked all.the.time. if we are going to go for #5... nope, nada, ain't gonna happen. four has always been my personal limit. and as much as i would LOVE to be pregnant again, and have another newborn, i also know my limits, and i am there.

having four kids in my house, is not a problem. we have our routine, and life is good. it's figuring it all out when we are out and about. it's not hard, but it does take planning, and i often wonder if it is worth it before we do something. hadley is the tough one right now... she is two years old, and doesn't let us forget it. she goes from a happy and funny little girl, into a full tantrum. the boys never went through that stage, so it is new to us.

anyways, i often wonder at what number does it go from a large family, to a crazy (as in they lost their marbles) one? i have always been drawn to families with four kids... i think having five is entering the world of crazy, but six and beyond is just nuts. right now we only have 2 of our kids in school, sports and activities... i can't imagine what it will be like when graham starts. i never want our kids to be the one without either of us there.

ok, here's another one i saw on facebook that made me laugh...
women should not have children after 35. Really... 35 children are enough.


  1. HAHA!! I have been following you for a while. Our 3rd boy is 9 months old and we have always wanted 4 kids too. However, I get sick of people constantly asking me how many more we will have to get a we may be done...but honestly that has more to do with how crazy our oldest two are. People please I had fertility treatments with my first two and the third one was a complete surprise. After what we went through for years we are just glad to have happy, healthy children. Anyway, I think people should mind their own business a little more. Maybe I am just naive though because I would never assume that all those the children were the mothers anyway.

  2. hi leslie!!! thanks for the comment.... i always wonder who's out there reading. :)

    my friend is having her 4th boy, and now everyone expects her to keep going for that girl. i feel bad for all the comments she gets. although i guess one girl isn't enough, b/c now everyone wants a sister for hadley.

    good luck with your three boys!!!! btw, we went through a time of not knowing if we wanted a fourth when hadley was 9 months old... it was hard to juggle it all. there were also many times during my pregnancy w/ graham that i would look at craig and say it's a good thing i am already pregnant, or else i'm not so sure we would be doing this. lol!

  3. You know my thoughts on the kids thing! 4 is my max, also! I can't wait for my 4th, and I am sure it will be another boy :)
