Friday, October 8, 2010

32 weeks

i'm 32 weeks along and things are really going fast now... i had my appointment today, and it went ok. my b/p was elevated at my appointment, although it has been running lower at home. we are not changing my medication (yet), my doctor just wants me to continue to watch it.

the recommendation from mfm where i had my u/s last week was another u/s at 34 weeks, and then weekly non-stress tests. she also wanted me to have blood work done, and do a 24 urine collection. you can imagine how fun that is going to be??? the hardest part for me is to find 24 hours where i just stay home or close to home so i can make sure to be here for every time i have to pee.

i didn't actually pay attention to what my weight was today, so i'll have to check that out next time. my belly was measuring 33 weeks, and the heart rate was in the 160's.

we talked a little about inductions, but i decided to not put anything on the books yet. i really was hoping for monday nov. 22nd, but my doctor isn't on that day and i really want her to deliver this baby. i have a great relationship with her, and she has delivered my other three kids. she is on thanksgiving day, which is a big no b/c it is my mil's b-day. she is also on the day after thanksgiving, so if i am still pregnant then, i will probably ask for an induction that day. in reality, i am assuming that we will be induced b/c of blood pressure issues at 38 weeks just like i was with all my other kids.

i know so many people are against inductions, but i have had such great experiences with them. not only have my deliveries gone really well, but i get very stressed over the thought of going into labor and trying to find last minute child care for the kids. i feel so much better with the idea that my mom is here, the kids can continue with their schedules, and i can be at the hospital not worrying about anything other than when i am getting my epidural. ha!

moving right along... this weekend i will be sorting through all the newborn clothes and washing a stash of boy, a stash of girl and all the gender neutral ones i own. time to start getting ready for this baby, because ready or not he/she will be joining our family soon.

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