Saturday, August 29, 2009

ted kennedy

so living in MA i have always known of ted kennedy. really, who hasn't. the kennedy family is political royalty. even after he passed away, i didn't think it was a big deal. he was older and was battling brain cancer, so it wasn't a surprise that he died.

i have been watching the news the last couple of days and have been moved by emotions by how many people have come out to mourn him. the streets of MA have been lined with people who wanted to show respect to him. last night i listened to many of his friends talk about him, and share stories. i guess i have never stopped to know all that this man had accomplished.

right now on this rainy sat. morning, i am in my pj's watching his funeral on t.v. i am looking forward to hearing what obama says while giving his eulogy. it is amazing to see all the political leaders that have come to boston to celebrate ted's life... and everything he has accomplished both politically, and personally.

my fil sent us this picture... it is craig's grandfather with ted and joan kennedy.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. That picture is amazing. How special is that keepsake?
